TELHART-3D Telmisartan 40mg + Amlodipine 5mg + hydrochlorothiazide 12.5mg


  •   It shows equal benefits in composite endpoint of CV death, MI, Stroke, CHF hospitalization & organ protection
  •   Has lower rates of cough & angioedema, hence lesser side effects & better tolerated than ramipril

       AMLODIPINE :-

  •   Gradual onset of therapeutic action
  •   No fluctuations in B.P.
  •   Control during vulnerable morning hours
  •   Spares sudden cardiac episodes or myocardial ischaemia 


  •   Treat high blood pressure,
  •   Lowering high blood pressure helps prevent strokes
  •   Heart attacks and kidney problems

                    INDICATIONS ;-

  •    Patients with mild to severe hypertension
  •    Diabetic Hypertensives elderly hypertensives
  •    Heart attacks
  •    Kidney problems